Downlands Art Exhibition 2023
Summer Garden Toowoomba
80 x 65 x 10 cm
Acrylic on Linen
Available only at the Downlands Art Show
Spring Garden Toowoomba
60 x 60 x 10 cm
Acrylic on Linen
Available only at the Downlands Art Show
Poppy Garden Abstract
90 x 90 x 20 cm
Acrylic on Linen
Available only at the Downlands Art Show
Creek Reflections, Girraween National Park
70 x 110 x 20 cm
Acrylic on Linen
Available only at the Downlands Art Show.
Granite and Grasstrees
67.5 x 85 x 20 cm
Acrylic on Linen
Available only at the Downlands Art Show